• 尊龙凯时·(中国)·官方网站

    Corporate Governance


    The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has a duty to the Company’s shareholders to direct and oversee the affairs of the Company in order to maximize shareholder value. The Board acting itself and through the various committees of the Board, actively participates in and is responsible for the determination of the overall strategy of the Company, the establishment and monitoring of the achievement of corporate goals and objectives, the oversight of the Company’s financial performance and the preparation of the accounts, the establishment of corporate governance practices and policies, and the review of the Company’s system of internal controls. The management of the Company is responsible for the implementation of the overall strategy of the Company and its daily operations and administration. The Board has access to the senior management of the Company to discuss enquiries on management information.

    Executive Directors

    LIU Xunfeng

    Chairman and Executive Director

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    Non-executive Directors

    LU Guoqing

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    CHEN Shanzhi

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    YANG Lumin

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    Independent Non-executive Directors

    FAN Ren Da Anthony

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    LIU Ming

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    WU Hanming

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    Board Secretary

    GUO Guangli

    Senior Vice President, Board Secretary and Company Secretary

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    Board Committees

    The Board has established four Board committees:

    Audit Committee

    Compensation Committee

    Nomination Committee

    Strategic Committee


    Each of these committees is governed by its respective terms of reference.The table below provides membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves:

    LIU Xunfeng - - Chairman -
    LU Guoqing - Member - -
    CHEN Shanzhi - - - Chairman
    YANG Lumin  - - - Member
    FAN Ren Da Anthony Chairman Chairman Member -
    LIU Ming Member Member - Member
    WU Hanming - - Member Member


    Constitutional Documents and Terms of Reference

    Memorandum and Articles of Association

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    Audit Committee Charter

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    Compensation Committee Charter

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    Nomination Committee Charter

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    Code of Ethics

    Code of Business Conduct & Ethics

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    Policy and Procedures

    Procedures for Shareholders to propose a person for election as a Director

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    Shareholder Communications Policy

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    Arrangement of Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications

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